Shoot Report- August 17 2014
There is no doubt that the Monaro needed some rain, it’s just unfortunate that the monthly average had to fall on the third Sunday. After much deliberation and a fair bit of coffee and tea (note to self bring 2 litres of milk when it's cold and raining) it was decided that in honour of the travellers from Mallacoota and the two Bermagui attendees, Mark and Adam, that some attempt should be made to shoot something.
Thankfully, in retrospect, the decision to shoot 50 targets “targets only” was taken and off the good looking three and half squads went. Off into the fog that is. Richard Seears was heard commenting to Curls that he had never seen the fog hang around for as long in his short time at the club. (1992 to now 11 shoots a year= 242 shoots at Middling bank.)
Theres a target out there somwhere Glen.
The targets were on the whole were fair, given the conditions, some a little hard to see. On numerous occasions the conversation consisted of “Pull……It’s there......Where....... there, over there.... I can’t see that…Lost target.” Given that the score sheets turned into white pulp by the end of the first station it didn’t really seem to matter.
It was a good day for the new shoot secretaries to find their feet. They very generously gave up their shooting to keep the fire going at the club house and cook lunch as well as generating a list of improvements to the shoot sec office! Thank you Rhonda and Robin.
Thanks also should go to Seearsy and Curls for set up and to everybody who helped with the pack up.
A couple of Cooma stalwarts.
We should also take this opportunity to wish Rodger Sands a happy 80th. He didn’t make it on Sunday which was his birthday. I guess you don’t get to 80 without figuring out that standing around in the rain just isn’t that much fun. We will save the cake for the next shoot which will be on the 21st of September. The Coomagui Cup.
See you then