The Cooma Field and game membership headed for Bermagui on Sunday to complete the second leg of the Coomagui Cup. With a lead of 40 targets from the week before they were quietly confident that even if they lost the day, they may be able to retain the converted trophy. A solid turnout from Cooma with 26 shooters making the journey, some on the bus kindly donated by Cooma Coaches and some under their own steam the odds were stacked against Bemagui to make up the targets needed.
All shooters were confronted by blustery conditions that made the targets variable in flight and at times very unpredictable. This might have been helpful to the team from the mountains as Cooma prevailed adding another 12 targets to the total. Mark Corbett shot well and took out High gun. Jake Hedger was the only shooter on the day to take out a 25 which was impressive given the conditions.
The cup in its 16th year has now been one by both clubs eight times, and looks like it will be hotly contested next year.
The final score
Cooma Field and Game 899/1200
Bermagui Field and Game 847/1200.
Thanks again to Cooma Coaches for their support in providing a bus for the trip down and back. Cooma Field and Games next shoot will be the Third running of the “Come and have a go day” on Saturday, October the 14th. This proved to be hugely popular last year and we are hopeful we can turn on an equally great event this year. The day provides an opportunity for everybody to have a go at sporting clay pigeon shooting. Shooting licenses are not required. Ages 12 years and over. Other conditions apply.
For details go to the Cooma Field and Game website or call Andrew on 0413 013 689 or Adam on 0410 507 279